The Impact Investing Network provides a peer space for Philanthropy Colora
The Impact Investing Network provides a peer space for Philanthropy Colora
The Foundation Finance Network provides a supportive environment to share knowledge and resources about topics related to foundation finance management.
The Impact Investing Network provides a peer space for Philanthropy Colora
The Foundation Finance Network provides a supportive environment to share knowledge and resources about topics related to foundation finance management.
The Impact Investing Network provides a peer space for Philanthropy Colora
The Foundation Finance Network provides a supportive environment to share knowledge and resources about topics related to foundation finance management.
At the March meeting there will be two timely presentations on impact inve
The Foundation Finance Network provides a supportive environment to share knowledge and resources about topics related to foundation finance management.
The December meeting will focus on approaches for philanthropy to evaluate and assess their impact investing work. The Colorado Health Foundation’s Learning and Evaluation team and its consultant, Intention2Impact will share their approach
The Impact Investing Forum provides a peer space for Philanthropy Colorado members with an active interest in sharing and learning about impact investing trends and emerging models.