When wildfires hit, philanthropy springs into swift action, as does Philanthropy Colorado.
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The 31st annual KIDS COUNT in Colorado! report highlights access to housing, health care, child poverty, and more. It also captures trends in school climate, student performance and graduation rates, early childhood, and other issues.
Join Philanthropy Colorado's Rural Funders Learning Network for a visit to Gunnison Valley to learn about local and regional issues including housing affordability, regional collaboration for community prosperity, elevating civic capacity, advanci
When wildfires hit, philanthropy springs into swift action, as does Philanthropy Colorado.
The Arts are big business and an innovative tool that can advance a wide range of issue areas from health and economic development to social justice.
Read moreHear from Serve Colorado Executive Director John Kelly about programs being implemented by the Lt. Governor’s Office
Public trust is the currency of the nonprofit sector,” notes Independent Sector in their 5th annual report on public perceptions of nonprofits and philanthropy.
Read moreHomeownership is a key strategy to build financial wellbeing and intergenerational wealth for Colorado's Black families.
Latinos remain vastly underrepresented within philanthropic leadership and staffing, while Latino-serving nonprofits are under resourced within grantmaking.
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