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Across Colorado, a movement is afoot to chart a new path for local journalism.
Join Philanthropy Colorado's Rural Funders Learning Network to learn about community foundations outside the Front Range and their innovative initiatives to su
Join the San Luis Valley Funder Cohort September meeting with a focus on leadership and cultural development work.
This IT Roundtable peer group will be a presentation on the 'Top 5 Cyber Insurance Requirements' and will be held at the Daniels Fund with lunch provided.
Affordable housing was a highly visible priority in the most recent Colorado legislative session. Hear how these pandemic-prompted public investments played out and what we can anticipate for the future.
The Impact Investing Forum provides a peer space for Philanthropy Colorado members with an active interest in sharing and learning about impact investing trends and emerging models.
Philanthropy Colorado members: Please mark your calendars for a briefing on the Governor’s statewide recovery fund as it heads into the last planned round of applications and grantmaking.
The one-hour call will include: