Impact Investing Forum

Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 2:00 - 4:00 PM

The December meeting will focus on approaches for philanthropy to evaluate and assess their impact investing work. The Colorado Health Foundation’s Learning and Evaluation team and its consultant, Intention2Impact will share their approach and open it up for Q&A and dialogue. There will be open time for sharing on this topic and other timely end of year opportunities.

This meeting will be held in person in Denver with beverages and light snacks following the meeting. Please register to receive meeting details, including location and virtual, login information. 

The Impact Investing Forum provides a peer space for Philanthropy Colorado members with an active interest in sharing and learning about impact investing trends and emerging models. The group meets quarterly to exchange information on deal opportunities and to hear from peers and guest speakers on various topics related to impact investment.

Co-Chairs: Smit Naik (Gary Community Ventures), Kelsey Nolan (Dakota Foundation) and Khanh Nguyen (Colorado Health Foundation).

For more information and to join the Impact listserv, please contact