Ready to take your organization’s racial equity commitment to the next level? Please be a part of Philanthropy Colorado’s Trust-Based Philanthropy with a Racial Equity Lens (TBP Racial Equity) Cohort.
Ready to take your organization’s racial equity commitment to the next level? Please be a part of Philanthropy Colorado’s Trust-Based Philanthropy with a Racial Equity Lens (TBP Racial Equity) Cohort.
Ready to take your organization’s racial equity commitment to the next level? Please be a part of Philanthropy Colorado’s Trust-Based Philanthropy with a Racial Equity Lens (TBP Racial Equity) Cohort.
Philanthropy Colorado will be hosting its Annual Meeting and Board Elections virtually this year to allow all members to attend from throughout the state. Please join Philanthropy Colorado and our members for board and officer elections and an upd
Ready to take your organization’s racial equity commitment to the next level? Please be a part of Philanthropy Colorado’s Trust-Based Philanthropy with a Racial Equity Lens (TBP Racial Equity) Cohort.
A five-part introductory series for those newer to philanthropy.
A five-part introductory series for those newer to philanthropy.
We’ll be joined during the first part of the time by Chunka Mui, a leadership and innovation strategist and futurist who spoke with our membership in 2020 about “The Laws of Zero” and “Making or Breaking our Fu
A five-part introductory series for those newer to philanthropy.
If you’re new to your leadership role (as a member of Philanthropy Colorado) in the past couple years, we’ve planned a virtual session for new CEOs/EDs of grantmaking organizations to get to know new colleagues and hear advice from seasoned leader
Join Philanthropy Colorado's Rural Funders Learning Network for a visit to Northeast Colorado to learn more about regional and local issues ranging from economic and workforce development, youth and family resiliency, career-connected pathways, ea