Join us on May 8 for a two-part program on the housing landscape in Colorado. Exclusively for CAF members, this program will provide information on data, trends, and innovations in housing and an opportunity to connect with other funders working in this area. The program will include the following two parts. CAF members are invited to attend either or both.
Part 1: Housing Overview and Context from Experts in the Field | 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
The following panelists will describe housing market trends, data, and innovations from their unique perspectives:
-Felicia Griffin, Executive Director, United for a New Economy
-Irv Halter, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Local Affairs
-Jennie Rodgers, Vice President, Enterprise Community Partners
-Dr. Phyllis Resnick, Executive Director, Colorado Futures Center
Part 2: Funders Supporting Housing | 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The following foundations leaders will describe their organizations' diverse approaches to housing, including traditional and permanent housing, supportive services, community land trusts, and collaborative initiatives.
-Megan Ledin, Executive Director, Grand Foundation
-Julie Lerudis, Grants Program Director, Boettcher Foundation
-María Sepúlveda, Vice President, Wells Fargo
-Dave Younggren, President and CEO, Gary Community Investments
Facilitators: Davian Gagne and Zoë Williams
Both sessions will include breakout activities to connect, discuss and brainstorm with other funders in attendance. Refreshments will be provided. The event is free for CAF members.