Trust in Nonprofits and Philanthropy Report

Monday, July 1, 2024

Public trust is the currency of the nonprofit sector,” notes Independent Sector in their 5th annual report on public perceptions of nonprofits and philanthropy.  

Key findings include:
Trust in nonprofits is rising
A total of 57% of respondents indicated they trust the nonprofit sector, a five percent increase over the last study and higher than trust in American government, business or media.

Limited, steady trust in philanthropy
At only 33%, Americans have lower trust in philanthropy than in the nonprofit sector, a sentiment that has remained steady over the last several years.

Nonprofits may hold solution to divisions 
94% of Americans are concerned about growing national divisions and have more confidence in nonprofits to drive unity, than in government, business or media. 

Partisan political concerns
While overall trust in the nonprofit sector is high, Americans are less confident in nonprofits to conduct nonpartisan policy work.

Pathway to increased trust in nonprofits and philanthropy
Volunteerism is among the most potent ways of increasing trust in nonprofits, along with setting higher standards for ethical operations and good governance.

Read the full report here

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