The new federal tax law created "Opportunity Zones," which will offer significant incentives for those who make long-term investments in rural
The new federal tax law created "Opportunity Zones," which will offer significant incentives for those who make long-term investments in rural
Join fellow CAF members for a lively conversation about the previous day's election results with local pundits. We'll be covering everything, including the highly contested local, state and Congressional elections.
Join us for a free and nonpartisan forum to learn about the upcoming 2020 Census and the importance of promoting a fair and accurate count.
This two-part program for CAF Members will provide an overview of the opioid crisis in Colorado and present funding approaches and ideas for grantmakers.
Based on interest from CAF members, this program was designed to focus on specific tools and strategies for grantmaking with an equity lens.
Presented by Colorado Association of Funders, Community Resource Center, and Colorado Nonprofit Association, this annual all-day program brings together funders and nonprofit professionals for conversations, networking, and learning.
The once-every-decade population count is used to determine how state and federal dollars are distributed, to draw district maps for state and local elections, to influence business decisions such as where to invest or open new stores, and to divv
Join us on May 8 for a two-part program on the housing landscape in Colorado.