Evaluation of Equity Goals and Indicators. We often emphasize the importance of equity and equity work, but how can we measure it?
Evaluation of Equity Goals and Indicators. We often emphasize the importance of equity and equity work, but how can we measure it?
COFIE Meeting: Steering Committee Informational Session
COFIE exists to support, educate and embolden Colorado funders to lead the movement toward inclusivity and equity in philanthropy.
COFIE exists to support, educate and embolden Colorado funders to lead the movement toward inclusivity and equity in philanthropy.
COFIE exists to support, educate and embolden Colorado funders to lead the movement toward inclusivity and equity in philanthropy.
COFIE exists to support, educate and embolden Colorado funders to lead the movement toward inclusivity and equity in philanthropy.
SORRY THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL. Please Join EPIP (Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy), Philanthropy Colorado and partners for this free event, providing a chance for funders and nonprofit folks to connect and enhance equity in philanthropy.
COFIE exists to support, educate and embolden Colorado funders to lead the movement toward inclusivity and equity in philanthropy.
Session #6: What Does Trust-Based Philanthropy Have to Do With Racial Equity?
COFIE exists to support, educate and embolden Colorado funders to lead the movement toward inclusivity and equity in philanthropy.
#5: What Does Evaluation Look Like in a Trust-Based Context?